We are AKHAND BHARAT AKHAND HEALTHCARE Foundation, based in Navsari, Gujarat, intending to contribute in the upliftment of Indian villages, towns & cities . We are working on projects to bring about a change in the health condition of the villages & towns, through adequate and improved healthcare services including medicines, surgicals, etc. We aim at reducing the intensity of issues raised at rural level regarding medicines and other healthcare services by connecting villages and towns with cities through a set-up providing affordable services.
The seed of AKHAND BHARAT AKHAND HEALTHCARE Foundation was sown on 10th February, 2017, through the initiative of
MISSION MEDICINE REVOLUTION, with the core intention to provide “SOCIAL SECURITY” to Senior Citizens through affordable and accessible medicines.
The sole purpose was to reduce the annual medicinal cost of senior citizens, thereby increasing the health quotient of the nation and making them social secure and independent. It focuses on drastically reducing the out-of-pocket expenditure by the Indian citizens and hence aims at reducing the intensity of issues regarding the cost of medicines, thereby extending our small contribution to achieve holistic development of India.
“ The soul of India resides in its villages.”
In tune with this Gandhian vision of self-sufficient “village republics”, we intend to extend our small contribution to achieve holistic development of Indian villages, by way of healthcare, education, employment. Our attempts are aimed at reducing the developmental disconnect between the rural and urban sectors and hence achieve ‘rurbanisation’ (rural + urbanisation), ultimately reducing the migration from rural to urban areas in search of better medicinal facilities.
Be a part of Historic – Mission Medicine Revolution.
by Be a Volunteer, Be a Contributor or Be an Ambassador of your area.
Contribute for the freedom and “Social Security” of senior citizens from the burden of monthly medicine expenses and undertake a social responsibility
Support the mission by giving time and labour to reach out and serve maximum number of senior citizens
Represent the issues related to the medical expenditure of senior citizens and take charge of the campaign in your area