
Logo Design Competition

“Akhand Bharat Akhand Healthcare” foundation works with a mission to provide ‘Social Security to India’s senior citizens’.

We have many different segments working for senior citizens with respect to health, addressing their needs. One of them is “MISSION MEDICINE REVOLUTION” & “SENIOR CITIZEN AROGYA KRANTI”, which is constantly working towards relieving them from the burden of high medicine costs. The Logo and the Slogan has to be designed for the same

Logo Design Registration Form

Detail Of Design Required

1. Logo For “Mission Medicine Revolution & Senior Citizen Arogya Kranti.”
2. Slogan For The Mission.


1.Individual person, Individual group of peoples, groups, experts, professionals etc. are eligible.
2.Competitor can submit maximum only one entry. The prize will be given to the author of the competition entry in case of group.


1.The prizes money for winners is 1st Prize – Rs. 5100 /- , 2nd Prize – Rs.3000 /-, 3rd Prize – 1500 /-

[Note: Necessary tax deductions will be made as per the prevailing taxation rules from the prize money. Payment will be made by cheque/NEFT.]
2.The winner will be announced on email and phone number as per detail given.
3.The winning entry (including participant’s details, photograph) will be showcased on AKHAND BHARAT AKHAND HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION foundation website as and when hosted.

Last Date to Register

12th August , 2022

Submission Before

21st August, 2022

Result Announcement

5th September, 2022

Points to be noted

Point: 1
The Winning logo design may be asked to submit the Vector File

Point : 2
. PNG file of the logo ONLY (with clear/transparent background)

Point : 3
Submit PDF contains Following details. (Refer Below) 

Point : 4
All the entries must be uploaded/submitted online to

PDF file containing: –
Page-1 – Personal Details (Along with Photograph & copy of Residential Proof):
Full Name , Firm/Company (if applicable), Full Address, City, State, Date of Birth, Mobile No., E-Mail
Page-2 – Logo (Logo Image), Slogan, Rationale (in not more than 100 words) < Text on rationale>

1.No plagiarism shall be allowed and logo shall not use any material (Photograph, icon, symbol, image etc.) that is copyright protected.
2.The responsibility to comply with the guidelines and other conditions fully lies with the participant/participants and AKHAND BHARAT AKHAND HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION shall not be liable for any dispute raised by a third party.
3.Entry not complete in any respect or not meeting the terms and condition of the competition will be rejected without assigning any reason thereof.
4.Participant/s should not imprint or watermark logo design.
5.AKHAND BHARAT AKHAND HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION shall have the right to use, print or reproduce the prize winning logo or any submitted logo in any form it deems fit.
6.AKHAND BHARAT AKHAND HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION reserves the right to cancel or amend all or any part of the competition and/or the terms/condition without notice.

7. The winner has to submit the required proofs prior to claim the prize money to AKHAND BHARAT AKHAND HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION
8. Entries with incomplete profiles would not be considered.
9. All entries will remain the property of AKHAND BHARAT AKHAND HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION and are not returnable.
10. Participants acknowledge and agree that all copyright and other rights in the logo including rights in the drawings, text or any other content submitted to AKHAND BHARAT AKHAND HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION in respect of this competition shall be solely and exclusively owned by the AKHAND BHARAT AKHAND HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION  All participants agree to assign absolutely to AKHAND BHARAT AKHAND HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION 
without charge all intellectual property rights, including the right to use, reproduce, modify, publish, license and/or otherwise deal with (whether for commercial and non-commercial purpose) the submitted logo design.
11. Participant/s represent and warrant that his/their entry is his/their own original work/creation and do not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party.

Registered Senior Citizens : 3000+ | Total Medicines Delivered : 45,00,000+ | Total Families Secured : 1500+